How can I pay for services?
You can pay for services in three ways:
1. Payment Cards:. To pay for services by credit card, you are billed, which is sent to your email.
When you pay by credit card, payment is processed on the bank’s authorization page, where you need to enter your bank card details.
If your card is connected to the 3D-Secure service, you will be automatically redirected to the page of the bank that issued the card for authentication. For information on the rules and methods of additional identification, check with the Bank that issued you the bank card.
The security of processing Internet payments through a bank payment gateway is guaranteed by the international PCI DSS security certificate. Information is transmitted using TLS encryption technology. This information is not available to unauthorized persons.
2. Cash upon receipt of service.
3. At any bank on a previously issued invoice from our company.
You can pay for services in three ways:
When you pay by credit card, payment is processed on the bank’s authorization page, where you need to enter your bank card details.

If your card is connected to the 3D-Secure service, you will be automatically redirected to the page of the bank that issued the card for authentication. For information on the rules and methods of additional identification, check with the Bank that issued you the bank card.
The security of processing Internet payments through a bank payment gateway is guaranteed by the international PCI DSS security certificate. Information is transmitted using TLS encryption technology. This information is not available to unauthorized persons.
How to pay for services from anywhere in the world?
You can pay for services from abroad using a bank card on a previously issued invoice, which we will send to your email address.
The security of processing Internet payments through PJSC VTB 24 or PJSC Sberbank is guaranteed by the international PCI DSS security certificate.
Information is transmitted using SSL encryption technology.
You can pay for services from abroad using a bank card on a previously issued invoice, which we will send to your email address.
The security of processing Internet payments through PJSC VTB 24 or PJSC Sberbank is guaranteed by the international PCI DSS security certificate.
Information is transmitted using SSL encryption technology.